Thousand-Fold Blessing

In the name of Jesus, I release faith and I receive the thousand-fold blessing. I am resetting my boundaries and removing all limits. An unlimited harvest shall be my portion. God is making me and my family a thousand times more and blessing us as He promised. I am one of the thousand; the spirit of poverty and lack shall not come near me. God is increasing me and my children more and more. As I sow my seed I receive by faith a thousand times more in provision, in prosperity, in increase, in favor, in success, in victory, and in debt cancellation. In the name of Jesus, I have the spirit of faith and I receive NOW the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of God. I have the blessing and it makes me rich. The windows of heaven are open to me and the portals of God's economy are open to my family. I declare from this day forth that the devourer is rebuked. Money I have lost is returned to me and that which has been held up is now released. My family and I are blessed as God has promised. I confess I am out of debt with all my needs met and I have plenty more to seed, to store and to share because I am under God's supernatural care in Jesus' name.

Corporate Financial Faith Confession

I am a cheerful giver who financially supports the work of God.

Jehovah Jireh is my provider, I honor Him with my substance

And I give to Him from my increase.

I return the tithe and give offerings

I live under an open heaven.

God pours out to me a blessing that I don't have room to receive.

I am a blessing to others and God blesses me in return.

As I apply the principle of giving,

The principal of debt is eliminated from my life and my church.

I am a distribution center dispensing good to others.

El-Shaddai is my supply and I never lack.

He's making me a thousand times more

And blessing me as He promised.

In Jesus' Name!

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